Example workflow: Follow-up event

Follow up on contacts who filled out a form with a confirmation, reminder and survey.

Are you organising an event? Then you better have a great communication scenario in place – both before and after your event. With this standard flow you’ll have yours up and running in no time. This flow contains 3 campaigns, but you can always limit or expand this number. You could also use this flow in combination with the standard flow "Reminder event".

In this flow we’ll follow up on every contact that registered for our event. In the start block you need to select the form that your contacts needed to fill out in order to register. If needed, you can further limit your target group.

Immediately after the registration we’ll send our first campaign with the confirmation of their subscription. In this campaign block you need to fill out all sending information, determine the subject line and choose the message that you wish to send.

If you want to, you could personalise the message that you use for this campaign using the data they filled out in your form. That way your participants are sure that everything was registered successfully. On top of that, it always comes in handy to have a copy of the program at your disposal in your mailbox.

It sometimes happens that contacts don’t show up for your event, because they forgot to note down your event in their calendar. We’ll prevent that from happening with the second campaign in our example. A week before the event we’ll send our participants a reminder with all the practical details for the event, including a map to the location.

After your event, you can finish your workflow with a nice ending. By sending your contacts a survey shortly after your event, you can ask about their experiences during the day. This is also what we’ve done in the last campaign of our example.
By sending a survey your contacts will feel that you are interested in their opinion, and you’ll get feedback for a next edition. By also asking for a quote from your participants, you’ll also get some great testimonials to promote your next edition!

If you wish to extend this standard flow, you can easily add new elements by clicking on the plus icon. You could for example choose to add to or remove contacts from a mailing list, preference or interest group. Of course you could also simplify your standard flow by removing certain blocks.

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