Configure default survey settings

In your account settings you can define the house style colours and banner for your surveys, and you can also set up the notification settings. Everything you set up here will be applied to the new surveys you create, but you can always make changes in each new survey.

  1. To configure the default settings of your surveys, go to Settings > Survey settings section of your account.

  2. In the first section Colours, you can set the language of your surveys and modify their text font and background colours. You can also add a CSS file with your custom settings.

  3. In the Banner section you can upload the banner that you want to be applied at the top of your surveys and select its alignment. The banner will be resized to the size of the survey, but the optimal parameters would be a maximum width of 600 pixels.
  4. In the last section Notification you can indicate if you would like to receive a confirmation email after every survey completion and to specify the email to which the confirmations will be sent. 

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