Overview settings

There are some account settings which can be adjusted and applied to your account as default. Of course, you can change them again at any point, or in some cases, each time you create a new message, survey or form (when the settings apply to one of those). You will find different categories of settings in your account. Some of the categories would only be available to accounts with extra-paid features. In the following article you will find what you can adjust in all the different categories.


Update profile

Here you can set your company's contact details and change the application's language. We display the company name you enter here on the public profile page your contacts will see when modifying their interests or unsubscribing.

You can also easily incorporate these contact details into your messages via personalisation and keep your templates always up-to-date.

Learn more about personalisation with placeholders.

Change password

You can change your account password on this page.

Security policy

In these settings you can indicate to automatically approve all new IP addresses, receive an email when someone logs in from a new IP address, receive an email if someone uses incorrect login data for your account 3 consecutive times and enter the email to which the notifications will be sent. You can also set the password expiration interval and limit the reuse of the same password. The password settings will be applied to all the users in your account.

Invoicing settings

You can change the details we use on your invoices here.

My credits

You can find an overview of all your purchased credit packages and their expire date on this page.

AttentionThis setting is only visible to accounts who use credits.

Credits Alert

You can activate a Credits Alert and you can define the minimum amount of credits of your account. When the alert is active, Flexmail will send you a notification email when the minimum amount is reached so you can avoid running out of credits unexpectedly.

AttentionThis setting is only visible to accounts who use credits.


Social Media

Enter the URLs of the social media pages which you would like to be set as default to the social media buttons in your email messages. You can still choose the options you do not fill in here in the message itself and place URLs in the message manually.

Manage test profile

Enter example values and select the interest labels and preferences which will be used in the preview of a message to test your placeholders.

Link Tracking

Indicate if you would like to include all the links in your messages into Link Tracking and/or Google Analytics.

Learn what Link Tracking is and how does it work in Flexmail.


Manage custom fields

You have default contact fields which you can use to store data from your contacts to your database. If those fields are not sufficient, you can create custom fields. You can choose between the field types free text, multiple choice, numeric and date. The amount of custom fields you can create, depends on the subscription you have. 

Learn more about contact fields.

Manage bounce settings

Determine how often a contact can bounce before they get a status "bounced out". Select whether bounced out contacts will be added to the blacklist or removed from your account. 

Learn what bounces are and how do they work in Flexmail.


Update branding

Set the colours that you regularly use throughout your communication. These colours will appear by default in the different colour pickers in your account.

Learn more about house style settings.

Update header and footer

Flexmail completes all email messages with a header and a footer. You can remove the header and footer here in the settings, or you can just change their alignment. All your messages will contain an unsubscribe and an update link in the footer. You can indicate to remove those links from the footer in the settings, but keep in mind that an unsubscribe link is mandatory in every message you want to send. 

Learn more about the email header and footer.

Wizard Templates

Adjust the house style banner and colour palette of Wizard Templates to your own branding. The settings will be applied to all the new messages that you create with wizard templates. That way, you will avoid adjusting them every time, but you will still be able to override the default settings for each message. 

Learn more about house style settings.


Set up forms

You can define the default language and colour palette of your forms, upload a banner and indicate if you would like to receive a confirmation email after every form completion. These settings will be applied to all the new forms that you create. That way, you will avoid adjusting them every time, but you will still be able to override the default settings for each form. 

Learn more about house style settings.

Set up surveys

You can define the default language and colour palette of your surveys, upload a banner and indicate if you would like to receive a confirmation email after every survey completion. These settings will be applied to all the new surveys that you create. That way, you will avoid adjusting them every time, but you will still be able to override the default settings for each survey. 

Learn more about house style settings.

PDF reporting

You can generate a real-time PDF report with the most important campaign results. In the settings you can upload a banner, indicate the information you would like to receive in the report, plan when you would like to receive it and select the recipients.


Add or remove senders

In this category, you can set up Sender Validation and Email Authentication for the email addresses which you use or would like to use in your account. 

More information on Sender Validation and Email Authentication


Personal access tokens

Personal access tokens enable you to setup connections with your CRM, CMS, website or platform. Create tokens here to gain safe access to your Flexmail account.

To the Flexmail API documentation

How to do that exactly in my account?
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