Five tips for really original birthday wishes

Every year, you have to be more original to surprise your contacts. A lot of email marketers take advantage of birthdays to send a message to their contacts. We like to give you a couple of possibilities. You’ll see that you can do more than the classic birthday card!

1. The classic

Of course there is the classic, everyone can enjoy a birthday card. Certainly when it is accompanied by a gift. An extra personal discount on the next order is a good way to start. But you can also promise a fun gadget when they make a conversion. Maybe this is the right moment to ask them to update their profile in your database?

2. Your own birthday

Maybe you don’t have the date of birth of every contact in your list. It can also be a sensitive question. Or you had other priorities when you were creating your opt-in form. So why not use your own birthday. You could give your email the title: “My birthday wish is to wish you a happy birthday”. If you want to stay courteous, you can only ask day and month. We all stay 21, don’t we?

3. Another birthday

You can also use another approach. The birthday of your email contact is not the trigger. The trigger could be the moment when someone joined your list: “A cake from our service team to thank you for the happy five years of co-operation”. It might not be a classic, but email marketing is not used to walking only the trodden paths.

4. Surprise

You can also make your contact curious. We all know that a gift is part of a birthday email. But gifts are usually wrapped. Why not use a wrapped gift in the design of your email. Only after clicking the link, they know what their gift is. You could just send them the voucher code, but where is the fun in that?

5. Offline

A gift with an email campaign shouldn’t necessarily be a digital one. Especially if you own an extensive network of outlets. Give away a coupon or voucher with your email message, that they can use to pick up their gift in a shop in their neighbourhood. You lure your contacts to your shop. Don’t forget to personalise the voucher, so you can know who claimed their coupons. You can learn valuable lessons from this information.

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